Saturday, March 15, 2008

Stop the Ringing

Well for all of you who don't know I have something called Tinnitis. Tinnitis is a ringing in your ears caused by just about anything... a chain saw, gun shot, loud music, ect. I have had it sence forever. I found out that if you have it the army wont let you fly. That was heartbreaking. Well the Doctor that did my physical said that i just needed a waver from an ear specialist that says i won't have any hearing loss because of it. I have had 3 hearing test in sence school started and have past all 3 with near perfect scores. Well Anna and I went to the specialist on friday and for the 4th time he did a hearing test and once again i past. He did some other tests and concluded that i am at not greater risk of hearing loss than anyone else walking down the street. That was a great blessing for our family.


Jon said...

Phew what a relief. Man thats the way I feel about my eye sight. I am glad you passed what blessing in would have sucked to get up there and something like that stop you from you dreams. Cool Web Log man!

MinidokaKid said...

Chinnook. Big baby! Good news about the ears. Thanks for the Fighting Souix shirt. That will make some people scratch their.... heads. Who are the "fighting souix?" they'll ask. I'll tell them they are army chopper pilots.

good night.